The pain in the right back: the causes, the treatment

Any person may also encounter a strange pain in the right side of the back just above the waist. The reasons are many. And it is very important to define correctly the symptoms and the cause of the pain, to respond to address the issue of treatment. This is necessary because the pain in the back with the right hand may indicate a disease of the spine or of the breach of the functioning of internal organs.

the pain in the back right

In this regard, doctors recommend to pay attention to the location and nature of pain with the right side of the back and in a timely manner to consult experts on the treatment.

The possible causes of the pain in the back above the right back

In most cases of back pain right side talk about a possible to overexert the back muscles at the place of the location of the pain, determined by a sedentary lifestyle. It is characteristic, generally, for pupils, students and persons responsible for a long period of time in the same poses.

Painful sensations in the back above the kidneys, can often be the manifestation of diseases of the spine:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • sciatica;
  • scoliosis;
  • the presence of intervertebral hernia in the lower part and chest;
  • injuries of the spinal column;
  • the inflammation of the muscle fibers that support the spine;
  • tuberculosis of the spine.

Also on the appearance of the sensation of pain in the right side of the back may have an impact of the disease and functional disturbances of internal organs, which, in their majority, can testify to the life-threatening the patient's condition and require immediate hospitalization and surgery!

These pathologies are:

  1. appendicitis;
  2. peritonitis;
  3. pyelonephritis;
  4. pancreatitis, pankreonekroz;
  5. duodenal ulcer;
  6. the presence of stones in the kidneys, their output;
  7. cholecystitis;
  8. heart disease (heart attack, angina and other);
  9. pneumonia;
  10. pleurisy.

In women the pain in the back can be due to gynaecological problems:

  • annexite (inflammation of appendages);
  • endometritis (inflammation of the membranes of the uterus);
  • the presence of tim and cysts.

Pregnant women may also complain of pain at the back of the back to the right.

But for them, it is a natural process: with the increase in the weight of the fetus increases the load on the spine, which can lead to painful sensations. But it should be noted that pregnant women (in particular, at an early stage) is not worth it to apply to the onset of pain in the back, as in some cases, the pain can be the sign of a threatened abortion or premature birth.

The nature of the pain and diagnosis

Pain in the back right corner can be different, not only because of their appearance, but also by the nature.

The pain in the back right can be:

  • cramps, as a general rule, the character of the pain caused by strong contractions of the muscles in the hollow organs of the abdomen and small pelvis (bladder, ureters, bowel, uterus, fallopian tubes);
  • permanent;
  • increasing;
  • acute (evidenced by the defeat of the internal organs, internal bleeding, fractures, etc);
  • in the form of lumbago;
  • sore;
  • obtuse;
  • pulling;
  • long-lasting;
  • short-term.

By the nature and location of the pain, you can make the diagnosis.

causes of pain in the back
  • As well, the sharp, acute pain in the right back often shows on the diseases of the internal organs.
  • Traction, a throbbing pain can testify of urolithiasis, the kidneys.
  • Among women with gynaecological problems, pain in the back in the lower right are more often cramping in nature.
  • The nature of the pain in the form of a back pain associated with diseases of the spine.

The pain may be short-term and long-lasting. In the short term and a severe pain, speak of the acute phase of the illness, long and brutal pain means that the disease becomes a chronic character.

Because the reasons for which we may have pain in the back right, a large number of visiting will have several doctors: therapist, neurologist, nephrologist. Women, it is also necessary to consult a gynecologist, men with men to your doctor. The experts will analyze the history and symptomatology, will specify the complaints, will where appropriate, on other medical examinations:

  • analyses;
  • ultrasound: the ULTRASOUND;
  • computed tomography - CT;
  • x-ray examination;
  • magnetic resonance imaging - MRI.

Results attributed to research in the physician to establish a precise diagnosis and a treatment. The treatment will naturally be different at different diagnoses. The only similarity in the treatment – the appointment of analgesics to relieve the pain of a symptom.

The methods of treatment and prevention

The methods of treatment vary depending on the accuracy of the diagnosis, the nature of pain, their duration. However, identify the key elements that characterize the treatment of back pain to the right, regardless of the reason:

  • removal of the pain symptoms;
  • the elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • the elimination of the main cause of the pain (it usually is, is a major step in the treatment);
  • warning of disease recurrence.

According to one or other of the diseases that can cause pain in the back to the right, to choose, and the methods of treatment:

  • medication (tablets, injections);
  • physiotherapy;
  • the quick intervention.

Deserve a particular attention and general prevention:

  • the limitation of the load on the spine;
  • direct posture;
  • practice of the posture during sleep;
  • a timely examination of the internal organs, in consultation with experts if necessary;
  • a good nutrition;
  • how to avoid hypothermia, stress, falls, injuries;
  • gymnastics;
  • swimming;
  • the hardening.

Therefore, the pain, localized in the right part of the back above the kidneys, can vary depending on the nature and duration, very different causes and consequences.

the diagnosis and treatment

The pain in the right side of the back may be a symptom of serious diseases of the internal organs. It is therefore very important not to self-give medications, and any disease consult a qualified personnel. After having passed all the necessary tests and the treatment prescribed is important to follow the recommendations of doctors to avoid relapse.